It’s the People you Share it with
Have you seen the movie “Wonka”? I was skeptical as I really liked the first two, but this prequel was actually pretty good. There were two quotes from the movie that actually stuck with me. One was found in a piece of chocolate Wonka received from his mom before she died. The other is a teaser for my next installment of Notes Of Hope.
Wonka kept this piece of chocolate in his pocket for a long time, but would take it out periodically. My nephew wondered how it survived the water and all his travels. I suppose it is because of Wonka’s magical attributes, which he must have inherited them from his mom, as she was the maker of a candy bar that lasted for a decade at least.
At the end of the movie he opened the chocolate and found a note written on what looked similar to the golden ticket in the other movies. The note read: “It’s not the chocolate that matters. It’s the people you share it with." Isn’t that the truth!
How fun would it be to open something and find an encouraging and loving note inside.
Possibly that is why I have fun making and sending cards—cards with notes inside. I found these little cards at a cute boutique near where I live in Indianapolis. It is fun to hand one to wait staff with a tip, to a flight attendant on the way off the plane, to a person needing a pick me up or thank you, or even leaving one on a staff member’s desk, all in addition to inserting them into cards. I never know what they will say, but somehow the words are always very apropos.
One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 Thessalonians 5:11 which states:
"Encourage one another, and build each other up, just as in fact you are now doing"
Who will you encourage and build up today? Doesn’t have to be a friend or even someone you know, although it could be. I’d love to hear how you are now doing this, as I am always looking for more ideas.