Practice Hope

The other day I saw my cardiologist for a routine check-up, and all is well.  He spoke to me with great hope about COVID once a vaccine is available.  As he shared his great hopes, he made me more hopeful.  Advent is a time of hope, so this was a very good conversation to have in these early days of Advent.  

Sybil MacBeth, a dancer, a doodler, and a former community college mathematics professor who has authored many books on the subject of praying in color, says:  "Hopefulness is a practiced attitude.  It takes diligence to not be overwhelmed by the violence, injustice, poverty, and sorrow in the world.  God is in the business of salvation and encourages change for the good.“  

Let’s all practice her hopefulness during this time of waiting in Advent.  Sharing hope with others with our words and actions follows God’s practice of encouraging and creating change for good..  How can we do this each day?  For me, one thing will be handwriting uplifting notes to others.  

Romans 12:12 tells us: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

These characteristics are contagious.  In God’s vast universe, we matter and our actions change the actions of others.  Being joyful and having hope—we need both today.  People need both today.  May we practice hopefulness and share that joy and hope with those around us, just as my cardiologist did with me!


Squirrels of Hope


Your Life Matters