I’m not a fan of acronyms (or goats). Often acronyms exclude people who, like me, are not in the know. As I prepared last Sunday’s sermon this acronym popped up – G.O.A.T. – and I did not know what it meant. You probably do, but, if not, it is a trendy way today to say someone, particularly a sport’s figure, is the “Greatest of All Time”. I guess it is too much to say those four words, so an acronym is needed.
Whom would you consider to be a G.O.A.T. from your perspective? It seems like it came about initially in reference to Tom Brady, but I am not a football person so that does not faze me too much. In my mind, the phrase conjures up images of hockey’s Wayne Gretzky, whose nickname is “The Great One”.
In my life the G.O.A.T. would be my kids: Liesel for wanting our relationship and her smiling, welcoming spirit. Jason for his giving spirit, wanting peace in the lives of his family members and circle of friends. Shannon for her enthusiasm and care for the struggling children she serves. Aaron for his tender spirit, loving everyone and being so good to people.
What makes people great, in my opinion, is not what they achieve or have, but how they treat others. It is how they show compassion, love and mercy. I know others have different standards, but that is my standard.
More important is what God’s standards are for the G.O.A.T.s in life. In last Sunday’s Gospel lesson Jesus said that the first would be last and the last first and he also said that he came to serve and not be served. Good clues for us on how to live and how to achieve G.O.A.T.ness! Also, it proves that everyone can be a G.O.A.T. even those of us not fond of goats.
Let’s go be G.O.A.T. by serving others today!