Jif To Go

How do you see things?  We each tend to see things from our own perspective, our own lens into a situation you might say.  Perspective played a major role on my recent flight to Nebraska.

Being a diabetic, I always take something for a snack in my carry-on just in case my blood sugar drops too low. This time I took Jif To Go, shown in the picture.  Airport security had a dilemma when my bag went through their scanner. The one agent decided to confer with two others: was my peanut butter 12 ounces in one package or 8 separate 1 ½ ounce cups?  At 12 ounces, they would confiscate my snack.  At 1 ½ ounces, they would let me keep it.  How would you rule?

There are many divisions currently about having to wear masks.  The Indiana Department of Health says children need to wear masks in school; schools say it is optional.  I say one thing about masks for one hour a week in worship; you say another.  

We each have our own perspectives, opinions, and ideas on many things in life. May that be our strength and not our weakness.  May that be something that unites us with each other as we accept diversity.  May we join together in loving God, serving God, and worshiping God.

Fortunately, God sees each of us only one way - as God’s beloved child - mask on or mask off! No matter what!  Always and forever!  Thanks be to God!


Boundless Compassion


Cross of Grace Lutheran Church New Palestine, Indiana