walk LIGHTly

A couple weekends ago I attended the Messiah Lutheran Church Women's Retreat.  This was the first one I had not put together and lead.  Kathy, my former right hand, did a meticulous job of putting this one together..  What a g treat time!  The leaders and presenters were insightful.  One of them talked about walking in God’s light and then used the phrase "walk lightly".  

I enjoy words and a good play on words.  My favorite class in school was Word Wealth, and I even still have a copy of the book we used.  So thinking about walking in God's lLIGHT and walking LIGHTly intrigued me.  Mulling it over, both say the same thing!

Living in a third floor apartment, it is important to walk lightly and not tromp around, thus annoying to the people downstairs.  It is also important to walk LIGHTly in the light of God's love and not to just tromp through life.  Walking LIGHTly spreads God's peace and joy, both of which are desperately needed today.

Now everywhere I walk, my mind takes me to that phrase - walk LIGHTly.  It is a great reminder that I need to keep a LIGHT and joyful attitude, share the LIGHT of God's love in my actions, and spread the LIGHT to dark places, infiltrating and dispersing the gloom.

Walk LIGHTly my friends.  



Left vs. Right


Fragrant Surprise