Fig Leaves

This Sunday, November 28, in Messiah’s Contemporary Advent worship service at 11am, there is an original hymn based on Luke 21: 25 - 36 which is the Gospel reading.  The hymn focuses on verses 29 - 31 which states:

“ Then he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.”

These verses and the hymn has caused me to think and think a lot.  Pastor Erik said it deals with longing which also caused me to think a lot.

During the fall, as winter approaches, and when it arrives, many long for summer.  They long to see the leaves coming back on the trees.  In my apartment, when I look out my bedroom window, in the summer the tree is bare; and I can see the War Memorial with it’s blue lights at night.  In the summer, the tree is so full of leaves that I see nothing but the green tree.

During the summer, when I’m sweating and living inside with the AC cranked down really low, I long for winter.  Some of us love heat, and some of us love cold.  Personally, I’m longing for snow.  Here in Minnesota, generally there is snow by now; however, there is none.  

We generally long for what we cannot have:  winter instead of summer, curly hair instead of straight, a thin body instead of extra pounds, a new sofa instead of a 20 year old one.  Frivolous things really.  But, then there are other things:  longing for family and friends who now longer are with us, a grandchild’s health restored, a friend’s cancer to be totally gone.  Important things.  

What are the longings of your heart?  I’d love to hear.  Seriously.  Please put them in the comments below; but, most importantly, speak them to Jesus.  Jesus longs to hear your heart.  

You are invited to the contemporary worship service at Messiah in Brownsburg, IN, at 11am this Sunday, well every Sunday, to hear more about Advent longings with our theme “Close to Home.”  There is the traditional service at 9am, as well as a 6:30pm midweek service that has a soup supper before it at 5:30pm beginning this Wednesday.  Messiah offers reassuring faith in an unsure world.  All are welcome.

Graphic Design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC |


Week of hope

