A Call To Recklessness
I come across information about Brigid of Kildare (c. 450-523). What a woman!
I Know Their Pain
All those in the hospital, those homebound, those missing loved ones will get a fresh start. Words of hope. Words of compassion. Words of love. Let us cling to them…
Stirrings of Anticipation
At many homes - on the grass and by the curbs - I saw newspapers. Some were delivered that day and some had obviously been there for a long time. I thought of the people who wrote the articles in the papers - their feelings of anticipation as people read what they wrote.
Growing Relationships
Relationships are the most important things in life. That was made even more evident today through those three females that walked into my life today.
Worm Farms
Road Scholar is a very worthwhile organization. Today was exceptional from the morning walk where I learned how to create a worm farm, felt lamb's ear, sucked on a sassafras leaf, and saw tillage radishes.